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Acer 'Tamuke Yama'. Crimson foliage in spring changing to purple/red to fiery scarlet in autumn. The…
Incl. GST: $138.00
Has a green oblong leaf with a slight wave to it. Makes a tidy hedge or good small tree where space …
Incl. GST: $6.50
Has dense red-purple foliage. Has a oblong leaf with a slight wave to it. Makes a tidy hedge or good…
Incl. GST: $6.50
Anemanthele lessoniana has a very graceful weeping habit. Fine, lacy flowers. Grows approx. 1m high …
Incl. GST: $5.75
Grows around lakes, ponds, salt marshes. I have also seen it planted in council gardens, like bus st…
Incl. GST: $4.70
Compact clumps of soft bluish green leaves. Masses of small white flowers in spring.
Grows 50cms hi…
Grows 50cms hi…
Incl. GST: $6.90
Astelia with narrow drooping silver leaves.Looks great mass planted and in pots.
Grows 1m high x 1m…
Grows 1m high x 1m…
Incl. GST: $9.50
Cabbage Tree. Durable tree that grows almost everywhere. Great for wetland and riparian plantings. C…
Incl. GST: $3.68
NZ native perennial upright grass. Quite stiff narrow reddish brown leaves that have slight curls at…
Incl. GST: $5.50
Native grasses are now used extensively in landscaping, being hardy and easy care they look great in…
Incl. GST: $5.50
Green Sedge or Carex secta is mainly grown in and around the edges of the water. Often used a lot in…
Incl. GST: $2.99
Attractive garden plant used extensively in landscaping. Foliage is green at base colouring to orang…
Incl. GST: $5.50
Carex virgata is a vigorous swamp sedge. Very similar to secta but grows in drier sites.
These are …
These are …
Incl. GST: $2.99
This is a smallish tree with marbled looking leaves. It has small white flowers followed by purple f…
Incl. GST: $6.70
Carpodetus serratus prostrata is a small shrub that grows around 1m x 1m. It has a marble like leaf.…
Incl. GST: $7.60
This is a dwarf native tussock grass. Also known as Minature Toe Toe.
Grows around 1m high by 1.5m …
Grows around 1m high by 1.5m …
Incl. GST: $6.80
Coprosma Black Cloud is an excellent spreading coprosma for ground-covering. Colours in the colder w…
Incl. GST: $7.95
Grows flat on the ground. A very tough form for areas where other plants struggle to grow. Hawera is…
Incl. GST: $7.95
Coprosmas are a great variety for landscaping. The berries are bird attracting.
Coprosma Taiko is a…
Coprosma Taiko is a…
Incl. GST: $7.95
Great vigorous ground cover and used extensively for bank stabilising. Very hardy ground cover.
Incl. GST: $6.30
This is a compact small tree or shrub. Has large, thick and glossy green leaves. After flowering it …
Incl. GST: $7.95
Coprosma 'Middlemore' has lovely small shiny leaves. Great for a small hedge. If you want to give…
Incl. GST: $7.95
Red tangled branches that produce tiny flowers that later turn to little blue berries. Great ground …
Incl. GST: $7.95
This is a hardy coastal shrub. Glossy green leaves. Excellent wind and seaspray shelter. Grows aroun…
Incl. GST: $6.90
Originally from the Poor Knights Islands. A semi prostrate Coprosma with attractive glossy green lea…
Incl. GST: $6.95
Corokia makes an awesome hedging plant as it is a compact shrub. Great foliage and has a small star …
Incl. GST: $7.95
These are a flax like plant that produce very dainty little flowers that become outstanding blue ber…
Incl. GST: $8.00
The Dietes flower is a beautiful cream to yellow colour with chocolate coloured spots. The plant has…
Incl. GST: $7.50
NZ Native Plant Nursery supplies a specially formulated fertiliser tablets containing nitrogen, phos…
Incl. GST: $3.60
NZ Native Plant Nursery supplies a specially formulated fertiliser tablets containing nitrogen, phos…
Incl. GST: $110.00
This has a fine rush like foliage with a creeping rhizome habit. Very useful for revegetation of coa…
Incl. GST: $2.99
Great ground cover. Grows up to 20cms high and around 2m wide. Has a very pretty small flower. After…
Incl. GST: $7.80
Gardenia radicans are very popular for their beautiful scent. These are more of a ground cover varie…
Incl. GST: $8.50
An attractive golden colour, these Totara are great specimen trees and can also be used for hedging.…
Incl. GST: $16.80
A very well known plant for hedging. This plant has a nice glossy green leaf with a slight wave to i…
Incl. GST: $8.50
Hardy, compact Hebe that displays masses of white flowers over a long period from spring. Great for …
Incl. GST: $7.70
Hebe diosmifolia is a very popular garden specimen, producing masses of white-lavender flowers in sp…
Incl. GST: $7.70
Pseudowintera but commonly known as Horopito. This one is the variety 'Moulin Rouge'.
Stricking red…
Stricking red…
Incl. GST: $8.97
Pseudowintera but commonly known as Horopito. This one is the variety 'Red Glow'.
Stricking red and…
Stricking red and…
Incl. GST: $8.97
Karaka - has large glossy leaves. Very attractive, hardy, coastal tree. Has large orange fleshy drup…
Incl. GST: $8.00
The majestic forest giant, suitable for growing in a large tub. In their first 10 years they should …
Incl. GST: $10.30
Sophora microphylla is a tree with spreading, drooping branches. This is the small leaf variety. The…
Incl. GST: $22.00
Kowhai is a tree with spreading, drooping branches. This is the small leaf variety. The Tui's love t…
Incl. GST: $8.95
A great landscaping structural tree with lance-like leaves. Leaves change as the tree matures to a r…
Incl. GST: $8.95
Fan of sword-like leaves. Khaki to orange in colour. Has a clumping habit with pretty white iris-lik…
Incl. GST: $7.80
Hardy Australian native, fine needles of lime-green foliage forms an attractive clump. Looks good al…
Incl. GST: $9.40
Machaerina rubiginosa (also known as Baumea) is perfect for your wetland area. You can grow it close…
Incl. GST: $3.68
This is a Manuka with double burgundy red flowers. It flowers late winter to spring. Has dark reddis…
Incl. GST: $7.95
Hardy colonising species. Flowers are white. Bees love them. Tolerant of damp and dry areas.
Incl. GST: $2.70
This is an outstanding cultivar of our standard manuka trees. Has bronze foliage and double red flow…
Incl. GST: $17.50
A hardy native with a natural cascading growth habit. Single pink flowers that start in spring and l…
Incl. GST: $8.20
Hardy colonising species. Flowers are white. Bees love them. Tolerant of damp and dry areas. The cos…
Incl. GST: $65.80
An excellent garden, tub and patio plant with lots of flower and foliage colour. Brilliant red flowe…
Incl. GST: $8.20
Excellent specimen tree. Slow growing tree. In its first 10 years will grow around 3m high x 1.5m wi…
Incl. GST: $8.90
Deciduous dense upright shrub with small heart shaped leaves and dark red bark. Very hardy shrub gre…
Incl. GST: $8.05
Very dense low growing ground cover or climber with small round shiny leaves. Forms an attractive ti…
Incl. GST: $8.05
Native ground cover that forms a dense tangled mass. Originates from rocky coasts and sand dunes.
Incl. GST: $8.05
Nikaus make a great specimen palm. They prefer a shady, sheltered site, but can be planted in full s…
Incl. GST: $55.00
Nikaus make a fantastic specimen palm. They prefer a shady sheltered site, but can be planted in ful…
Incl. GST: $30.00
Nikaus make a great specimen palm. They prefer a shady, sheltered site, but can be planted in full s…
Incl. GST: $10.30
This is a neat, clump forming, trouble free grass that's like a ground cover. With almost black leav…
Incl. GST: $8.80
This flax has a reddish-brown colour. Slightly weeping foliage. Looks great in a mass planting.
Incl. GST: $8.85
A dwarf NZ native flax with lush green foliage and a compact habit making it ideal for smaller space…
Incl. GST: $6.95
Already shaped for you. Ready to be planted into your garden or would look great in a larger pot. A …
Incl. GST: $16.70
These have a silver-green wrinkled leaf and are quick growing with dense foliage. It makes an excell…
Incl. GST: $9.80
Suitable for providing low maintenance protection for seedlings and young plants. The guard enables …
Incl. GST: $2.00
Suitable for providing low maintenance protection for seedlings and young plants. The guard enables …
Incl. GST: $5.00
Suitable for providing low maintenance protection for seedlings and young plants. The guard enables …
Incl. GST: $4.00
Well known for its masses of crimson flowers at Christmas time. Grows almost anywhere but best by th…
Incl. GST: $9.95
Potting Mix. Our special blend of mix which has a slow release of fertiliser for 8 - 9 months. This …
Incl. GST: $175.00
A vigorous growing ground cover. Has an awesome little white flower. After flowering it has a red be…
Incl. GST: $6.80
Striking dark green/purple foliage with bronze margins make it quite unique compared to the common g…
Incl. GST: $13.00
Great coastal species. Huge flat leaves gives the species a tropical look, they are around 25-50cms …
Incl. GST: $6.80
Great Coastal species. Huge flat leaves gives the species a tropical look, they are around 25-50 cms…
Incl. GST: $16.00
Massive, spreading tree with dark glossy green leaves. Valuable red-brown wood. Lovely tree for the …
Incl. GST: $22.00
Clump forming, bulbous perennial plant. It has reed like leaves with a very pretty white flower. Rai…
Incl. GST: $6.50
Excellent clipped hedge. Dark green foliage but valued for its bright red new growth. Prune regularl…
Incl. GST: $9.95
Tall narrow native tree with dark green toothed leathery leaves. Fast growing for a native tree and …
Incl. GST: $8.95
Tall narrow native tree with dark green toothed leathery leaves. Fast growing for a native tree and …
Incl. GST: $22.00
Rimu is an excellent specimen and timber tree. Graceful pendulous branchlets when young. Prefers a r…
Incl. GST: $10.00
Juncus pallidus is part of the rush family. Forms dense clumps. Great to be planted around the edge …
Incl. GST: $2.53
Star Jasmine is a very strong climber. You can train it to grow up or down, or as a ground cover. Ja…
Incl. GST: $8.50
The spectacular evergreen climber from the Three Kings Islands. Dark green glossy leaves with creamy…
Incl. GST: $8.00
This Totara is blue in colour and can be used as specimen trees, hedging and topiary. Likes full sun…
Incl. GST: $16.80
This native White Rata can form a ground cover but with support will climb trees, trunks or cliffs. …
Incl. GST: $9.60
This is a fast growing, deciduous tree. It is found naturally throughout New Zealand. The berries ar…
Incl. GST: $5.80